What's So Unique About Stained Concrete?
It boils down to one word:CHARACTER. Concrete stain does more than simply add color. Rather than produce a solid, opaque effect like paint or colored coatings, stains permeate the concrete to infuse it with rich, deep, translucent tones. Depending on the color and application techniques used, the results can mimic everything from polished marble to tanned leather to natural stone or even stained wood.?
Even when treated with the same staining product in the same shade, no two concrete floors, walls, or countertops will look alike due to factors such as the composition and age of the concrete, surface porosity, texture, and environmental conditions. Some stain manufacturers use adjectives such as "antiqued," "variegated," or "mottled" to describe the distinctive look. It's this variability, rather than uniformity, that gives stained concrete its broad appeal and permits an infinite array of special effects.